French Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-09-09 14:19:03 UTC
In passe compose you take the verb (example esperer = hope) and in this case use avoir. I know the difference in when to use avoir and when to use etre.

So since esperer is an -er verb to conjigated it so it would be in passe compose, you would take off ther -er, leaving you with: esper (the stem).

My question is: Do you form your ending by depeding on the subject (je, tu, il/elle, nous, avez, ils/elles)


its the same for ever subject like :

For -er you always add an "é" no matter what the subject is

For -ir you always add an "i" no matter what the subject is

For -re you always add an "u" no matter what the subject is

is that true??

So using your example is it ok to say :

J'ai espéré
Tu as espéré
Il a espéré

Is that correct to do that???

Also fem. subjects: elle do you have to add an extra "e"?

Elle a espérée ???

For plural subjects Nous, avez, ils/ells do you have to add and "s" ??
Nous avons espérés
Vous avez espérés
Ils on espérés??
Sept réponses:
2007-09-09 14:26:34 UTC
With AVOIR, you take care of COD, when it's before or after :

J'ai mangé une pomme.

La pomme que j'ai mangée.

For ESPERER, it's the same thing, if the COD is after, it's always "é" but if it's before, it changes :

Ils ont espéré une bonne nouvelle.

Les informations que j'ai espérées.

Le repas que nous avons espéré.
2007-09-09 21:49:57 UTC
you don't have to add an extra et add "s"

example:j'ai esperé,tu as esperé,il,elle a esperé.

nous avons esperé,vous avez esperé,ils,elles ont esperé(inchangé)esperé not change,bye friend.
2007-09-09 21:35:45 UTC
I hardly understand what you're saying because you must be using an online translator, which is very bad! But if I understand, this is what you need to know:

With the auxiliary "être" you agree the subject with the verb, but not with the auxiliary "avoir" except if the direct complement is located before the subject of the sentence.


Le stylo est cassé: male noun so ending is "é"

la voiture est cassée : voiture is female gender in french so you need a final "e".

Les stylos sont cassés: male + plurial = "és"

Les voitures sont cassées: female + plurial = "ées"

Same things with other verb groups:

le travail est fini, la période est finie etc...

But with "avoir" ther's no agreement:

j'ai gagné, elle a gagné (not "gagnée"!), ils ont gagné etc...

But if the complement is before the verb "avoir" you have to agree:

le bus que tu as vu: "bus" is male gender.

la voiture que tu as vue: "voiture" is female gender and situated before the subject "tu">> the car (that) you have seen : you have seen what? the car>> complement>> tu as vu quoi? la voiture

Les voitures que tu as vues.....

OK? I hope i've helped you a little.
2007-09-09 21:30:33 UTC
Is that correct to do that???

-» Yes

Also fem. subjects: elle do you have to add an extra "e"?

Elle a espérée ???


For plural subjects Nous, avez, ils/ells do you have to add and "s" ??

Nous avons espérés

Vous avez espérés

Ils on espérés??


The e or the s at the end depends on the Complement d'objet which is before the verb (les nouvelles qu'ils ont espéréES, la nouvelle qu'ils ont espéréE)
2007-09-09 21:27:25 UTC
With "être", you put an end according with the subject :

Ex : Elle est venuE ; nous sommes venuS ; elles sont venuES.

With "avoir", there is no end.

Ex : Elle a espéré, nous avons espéré ; vous avez espéré ; ils ont espéré. No extra "e".

1 exception with "avoir", when the "complément d'objet direct" is before the verb, and then the end is with this complement :

ex : la fin que j'ai espéréE !

So difficult !
Hokis >> ՀՕԳԻՍ
2007-09-09 21:22:50 UTC
αdмiiяε ♥
2007-09-09 21:22:52 UTC
ello?????????????? ici cest FRANCAIS va dans la catégorie ENGLAIS/ENGLISH je parle englais je ne ment serre pas sur Q/R francais!

et tu connait pas tes VERBES? tes nullos revien au primaire....

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